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Thursday, November 8, 2007

Creative Research (Photo Enlargement)

In the past few weeks, I has been busy doing some research for tools needed for large demographic of users, to which what do they really want to use, and after contacting 2 companies, I named it here Company A*, from San Diego (California, USA) and company B* from Netherlands.

I was supposed to do research how and what do customer wants from a simple and direct usage of imaging software. Learning the purpose of the software, I had come (after making a number of testing) with a result to make comparison between the two.

These two softwares, come with main purpose to enlarge small pictures.

Please take a look at the original image.

Using normal enlargement traits, the result can be seen below. This enlargement was only at 113% from original and no enhancement has been made.

Using the software to enlarge at contraint proportion point 300%, 150 dpi. The result would be as follows.

(Click on the picture to view original size)

It is important to bear in mind, that the purpose of this test is to show enlarged result made from original small and low-resolution image. For high resolution image, the result will not be much evident. A prudent result can be seen using software from Company B. In this result, no alteration has been made after the photo has been enlarged.
This tools can be implement its usage for DTP, digital forensic and poster-maker.

Please also note that for high-resolution picture, that taken using ordinary digital camera, a software named DCE AutoEnhance (by MediaChance of Canada) can do the appropariate work for the price of USD39.00

* As, for legal reason that I had mentioned to them, I will not be naming those companies here. We are going to have a new collaboration that yet to be chosen which company.

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