What motivates me to design this system? Let first study my usual problem. I like to write note of new words I came across. I like to jot down famous quotes. I have so many business card, I dumped it in a box only later to forgot them and have to search it and need to flash back should I remember anything in particular. I have so many account numbers - savings, current, checkings (two accounts in USA), home loan, auto loan, credit cards and trading account numbers (Bursa Malaysia).
Can I remember all these? Should I jot down onto papers, will I remember where I put it? Another common problem is: I won't find them, when I need them. Hate that.
Let analyse these situations.
a. Someone gave you a card. You come back home and write it into a system. Name, company, designation, telephone numbers and address as those thing appear in the card. Then, with additional flexibility and total independent, you are allowed to write more! You can write, where you meet that person, what purpose of your meeting, and in what way can he help you. You can add more, you can put his birthday, his spouse name, children, like, dislike, etc - and you can tossed away that business card or keep it in your box. One day, you are looking for that man - or one day, you got a missed call, but don't know who'd the person. You open a program, type that person name or the number and voila, you got instant answer. Don't you like this?
b. With so many account numbers to remember, you can help relax and ease your mind should there be a program that can keep and allow you to search for that matter. You can keep account number, when you do open, cut-off date, broker name, address used, previous address and you can always add more note as you pleased. Don't you wish to have your life simpler without having a fixed fields program?
c. You have found interesting article. You read them from online newspaper. You want to save it, and you know you can just save them. But, how can you organise them when there are so many of them? Don't you wish a program that allow you to keep those article in handy way, and search by any text?
I like reading and seriously, I like learning - and on top of that, I like meeting new people. But God has never been kind enough, to let me have good memory. So, I need to help myself. I found many program - the PhoneBook, iDiary - but nothing has come to a generic and faster option for me to use. I want simple. I want it for free.
So, I design this simple system. Combining the features I want, to leave it out from complexity and I don't want to be alone using the system - so I will share amongs my office mate. What the heck of keeping business card database, if I seldom use it. My mates may perhaps want to find someone that I never want to contact.
Designed on PHP and database run MySQL - if someone would want to use, he would need to have a server. But this day, we don't need a special purpose server. I ran a server mimic on my laptop using XAMPP, give me the independent for mobility and I can choose to Internet Explorer or switching to CHROME (Google's new browser). So, this is what the world of freedom all about. Anyone can use it... Since I meant for use in group, PHP and MySQL will allow a particular group to be independent of their operating system.
I still cannot release any version here, until I reached at version 1.0 (currently 0.1b) - but anyone interested into giving it a try or have good idea to improve it, drop me email, I shall send you the code.
Updated to 0.1b on 15/OCT/2008
- Added javascript function to confirm delete note
- Furnished note deletion script.
- Password changed to MD5 format.
- login.html renamed to login.php to support future php commands.
- Search result: table extended.
- some more minor changes.