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Friday, January 23, 2009

Erk... Somebody replying to me, in weird manner and very emotional

I answered to Chedet's blog on Jan/16/2009, the post can be read here (link to website).

What I had commented was:

By M. Shahirasul Idrewoods on January 16, 2009 4:27 PM

Maybe Rob need some enlightenment of his own regime. Or perhaps let's go to schooling in USA.

Then we can learn how to torture people and deny their rights as happened in Guantanamo.

Then we can learn about citizen rights of how US Muslim citizen denied their rights to fly in commercial plane.

Ah, also important thing to learn is how to be a world class marketer by selling an air and make it worth maybe USD 50 billion?

And perhaps we will also learn how to successfully be a successful killer. I want to be a sniper!!!

Can Rob tell me which school and which course I should enrolled into?

And arrogantly answered at this site (link to website):

By Bravo Echo Echo Romeo on January 18, 2009 12:45 AM

For you to say all Americans are ignorant of the world is totally out of context. No, we know more of the world than any of you in Malaysia who hears or reads your censored news and newspaper that are controlled by your government. You feed propaganda to your people and most are as blind as sheeps. We have educated and capable people leading our country and you have high school educated, money politics corrupted leaders.

Just for your information, the United States of America is the most powerful nation in the world and can sustain itself to feed all it's own people and has all the necessary resources to stand on it's own two feet. We don't need anybody if we chose to.

Who cares what you or your blind supporters think about what you think or say.
There is a word in history. To the victor belongs the spoils. Yes,we are arrogant to the point that we will destroy all terrorists who supports and kills Americans. Yes, the average Americans may not want to know what is not important to them like Malaysia. What is there to benefit in Malaysia? There is nothing that interest us except we were requested to train your worthless government employees how to conduct business.

Yes, we are sorry about innocent lives taken in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine. However, we do not regret the fact that it sends a message to the rest of the world that we mean business and will make life miserable for you if you mess with us. Collateral damage is a reality. There is no simple solution on civilian casualties unless the two fighting parties step into a ring and slugs it out and leaves the civilians out of harms way.

No, we know and cares more than you think about democracy and freedom for the rest of the world, as our country was paid with blood for freedom. We will shed more blood to upkeep it if needed. Stop your propaganda bovine manure to you people.

My answer:

To me, it is very interesting that someone calling me jihadist. Funny, I would say...

The comment by Bravo Echo Echo Romeo, I must say: brilliant. Because it comes from someone from a nation that claimed to be well developed (English: past tense) and has for years fought for democracy and rights and claimed to be the best.

But, all I can sum up from his (or perhaps her) comments was that - the value of 10,000 non-American lives will NEVER equal to ONE American. What makes American so special and needed to be treated with super care? Because they have extra white skins? Or they have the most blondes in the world? Or is it that they can keep money rolling in by just pressing PRINT function? (Or maybe because they have the most super-heroes in the world)

At least living in Malaysia, we don't have the shadow to feel horror to look at the police. Nor do we terrified to have same flights with Arabs. Nor we feel insecure and needed to attack weapon-LESS country. In fact our small country claimed our independence without the loss of blood, unlike yours.

If America has everything - then I don't think that they would needed China to produce materials for them. Or petroleum from Iraq to fuel their economy.

Yes, Malaysia's economy is so much dependant to export - but to the very least - we don't do harm to the world. Where Americans shed and teared so many foreign economies (remember Asian Financial Crisis 1997) and current crises are for America to blame!

Yes, America may not need us, because we don't sell weapon to kill another human. America may not need us, because we don't have enough money to buy their bubble-to-burst products. America may not need us, because we don't know how to slaughter another human. America may also not need us, because we have so many reasons to be contradicted to each other.

At least, other people don't see Malaysians as disgust as our fellow whites in US. Or can I say, blacks as well?

Ok, we don't have to play muddy-game here... Let's go to fact.

Saying that America is super-power - but its economic fuelled by debt money and the debt burden pass to the tax-payer. Then what is super, what is power? Who's richer, who's poorer?

I know this is hard to swallow and may be bitter, but rest-assured my American friends (whom at some point, I kept and I keep very dearly in my heart) - what I wrote above was just something that I hope is not too general, that it goes to few specific person or group. We know each other better and I hope our relations will not be tarnished. Just treat my post/review as something I would say when I got hard hit. (in fact previous post, pose a picture of dearly American friend)