
View from my village...

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Movie Review: James Bond - Quantum of Solace

I was having nerve-breakdown since the morning and terribly can’t do anything. I was watching Queer as Folk (season 2) when suddenly an abrupt question pops-up and I can’t find any easy answer.

So, I decided to go out and help relief the mind by doing something different that the routine (spending time at home reading or watching videos). Called over for Shafir and we go out for lunch – Kenny Roger’s.

Not knowing anything to do to fill up the day, I went for James Bond – Quantum of Solace. Venue would be TGV at Jaya Jusco Seberang Perai.

The movie only started to be played HALF AN HOUR later, which was delayed due to technical problem. I don’t think this is remote case, since my previous experience made me waiting for nearly 15 minutes in the middle of the showing. Man, TGV sucked! Oppss…

Only, let’s get back to my personal view of the film.

I don’t find this new BOND to be interesting enough unlike previous BONDS. I said so because of it has no peaks and no more amusing gadgets. This time, BOND relies too much on political affairs and so much so that no new things have been introduced.

Daniel Craig looks pretty much old, unlike in his previous movie as BOND, the only thing that caught the sight would be his blue-eyes. I too don’t find the peak or final solutions or conclusions that could draw what was the problem or what was the organization they were looking after.

It is now or so, BOND has becoming a crappy movie. The director may want to introduce new elements instead of solely relying on the brand name.

If I may, I just give 2 out of 5. (1 each for Daniel Craig's blue eyes)

1 comment:

Ali Anuar said...

hampeh... gi tgk x ajak aku...